Sponsorship opportunities

The organizing committee extends its invitation to become an official Sponsor of IWAENC 2014.  Sponsors will be acknowledged on the conference website, in the programme guide, flyers in the conference bags and in the conference opening and closing addresses.  A number of sponsorship packages are available, tailored to organisations of all sizes, each offering a range of publicity opportunities, complimentary registrations and exclusivity. The packages are flexible and can be customised to individual needs, requirements and budgets, and also offer the possibility to sponsor specific social events.

Download the Call for Sponsorship 

As an internationally-leading workshop on acoustic signal enhancement IWAENC 2014 is an outstanding and potentially tax-efficient opportunity to reach an international audience of academic and industry leaders.


Proposals are warmly invited by email to: sponsorship [at] iwaenc2014 [dot] org


IWAENC 2014 sponsors

We gratefully acknowledge the kind support of the following sponsors.


